NameRobert Clarke Patterson
Birth Date17 Sep 1866
Birth PlaceKirkmichael, Dumfries, Scotland
Death Date11 Jun 1926 Age: 59
Death PlaceDunelm, Maxwelltown, Scotland
Notes for Robert Clarke Patterson
Figura en familysearch como Robert Clarke PATTERSON, pero exactamente los mismos padres que sus hermanos William y George
60 Scotsman born in 1866 in Kirkmichael, Dumfries; his parents were Thomas Patterson and Agnes Clarke (married in 1866); Thomas and Agnes and the older children emigrated first to the F.Is.; there they had more children, including the fourth, James Alexander, born in 1873; Robert in 1891 moved to Patagonia; he established Estancias Mata-Grande (San Julián) in partnership with William Patterson, Mulak-Aike in partnership with J. Frazer and Lai-Aike in partnership with C. Witters; present at the funeral of William Halliday in Bs.As. in 1917; one of the old Patagonian hands; one of Robert's descendants is Ricardo Patterson, diputado provincial de la Provincia de Santa Cruz; the Patterson family was closely connected with the John Frazer family (vide)
Ver foto de su tombstone. Esta enterrado con la familia materna, los Clarke, en Dumfries, con su hermana Harriet. de Duncan Campbell, que digitalizo y subio el libro a la Web)